Deck List



Elemental Resonance: Woven Weeds


I Haven't Lost Yet!


Leave It to Me!


Covenant of Rock


Northern Smoked Chicken


Sweet Madame


Gambler's Earrings


Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery


Lotus Flower Crisp


Heavy Strike






Chef Mao


The Bestest Travel Companion!


Adeptus' Temptation


Sumeru City


King's Squire


Chicken Quicken

Last updated for 4.1

This deck is based around utilising Yae Miko and Tighnari Skills to output massive damage with the above-average 3 damage reaction, Quicken. The goal of the deck is to pressure the opponent from game start to game end, making sure they cannot execute their game plans peacefully.

Good Against

Bad Against

Deck Code


For your mulligan, first look for cards that can patch up bad dice in some way, such as The Bestest Travel Companion! or Liben. This is because not being able to use your Elemental Skills significantly hinders a deck like Chicken Quicken, which relies heavily on getting Elemental Auras out early. Next, search for cards that are best when being played as early as possible such as Treasure-Seeking Seelie, King’s Squire, and Sumeru City. If you have two of such cards in the mulligan, to play them on Round 1 you should look to keep cards such as Changing Shifts or Elemental Resonance: Woven Weeds. Covenant of Rock is the featured Arcane Legend card of this deck. There are many ways in the deck to utilize it from being able to Charged Attack on Tighnari when paired with Sumeru City at 2 dice, give Liben 2 Stacks so your Round 3 will be stronger, or just to use action cards with such as Treasure-Seeking Seelie or Strategize.

Against hyper aggressive decks such as double Pyro decks, keeping one copy of 'I Haven't Lost Yet' to threaten Yae Miko's Elemental Burst might be a good idea if you expect one of your characters to possibly get sacrificed very early into the game.

Early Game:

The opener you always want to go for is Yae Miko's Elemental Skill, into Tighnari’s Elemental Skill. If you have Treasure Seeking Seelie, King’s Squire or Sumeru City, play it before any of your Elemental Skills. On the following round, you want to start off with a Tighnari Charged Attack into an Elemental Burst. If you have Sumeru City and Covenant of Rock, you will be able to play both cards to Charged Attack as Sumeru City reduces the cost of the Skill and you will be set to an even amount of dice with Covenant of Rock.

Mid/Late Game

If you are versus a deck that has survivability, look to swap back to Yae Miko to Elemental Skill, adding more usages to Sesshou Sakura after using Tighnari Element Burst before swapping to Tighnari to keep up the Summon and Quicken pressure. However, if you are versus a deck that lacks survivability and is more aggressive, use Yae Miko’s Elemental Burst with the help of I Haven’t Lost Yet! or after Normal Attacking once. It’s important to Normal Attack instead of Elemental Skilling one more time when immediately Bursting afterwards, as Sesshou Sakura will be destroyed when Yae Miko Elemental Bursts. Only look to cast Yae Miko’s Elemental Burst, Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin when Yae Miko’s Summon, Sesshou Sakura, is active as almost half of the Elemental Burst’s power is tied to that condition.

Jadeplume Terrorshroom is a reliable anchor for Quicken teams as Adeptus' Temptation, Catalyzing Field and Radical Vitality stacks boosted Elemental Burst: Feather Spreading is capable of dealing immense damage.

General Gameplay Tips

Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery works as such: after playing the card, your next Elemental Reaction (does NOT have to be Dendro!) will deal an additional 2 damage, and any Catalyzing Field or Dendro Core stacks that you currently have +1 added to their usages. If you do not have any Catalyzing Field charges prior to using this card, but end up using the +2 damage on a Quicken reaction, you will not get 3 stacks instead of 2 stacks after the reaction! That is because you need to use it with already pre-existing stacks to take advantage of that effect. In addition, this card works with any summons you may have. Therefore, a recommended play is to use Elemental Resonance: Sprawling Greenery with 1 Catalyzing Field usage, no Elemental Aura on the opposing character, and both Tighnari and Yae Miko’s Summons up, making full use of the damage boost and the usage addition.

Only swap to Jadeplume Terrorshroom if you're sure you can either get its burst off this round or that it will not hit 3 stacks this round. Remember that Normal Attacks do not add to Jadeplume Terrorshroom's Radical Vitality stacks! In addition, summon damage can also add to Jadeplume Terrorshroom's stacks. However, due to how End Phase effects trigger, if you end your round first, your Jadeplume Terrorshroom will never get its energy reset by summons. End Phase effects trigger based on who ended their round first. As Jadeplume Terrorshroom will count its own stacks before the enemy summons hit it, you can abuse this trick to start the round with 3 stacks.

As this deck has a lot of draw, you may find yourself overdrawing when you first start out. To prevent this, constantly keep track of how much you're drawing, and make sure you always have hand space by tuning cards as necessary.

Tech Options

If you are facing decks that rely on Summons that are created from their Elemental Burst such as Shenhe’s Talisman Spirit or Sucrose’s Chaotic Entropy, Send Off is a very good card option to have in your deck as it completely destroys your opponent’s tempo. Furthermore, even if the Summons aren’t created by an Elemental Burst, if you Send Off a Summon and it disrupts their Summon order, that would also be a very good use for Send Off. Quick Knit is an inconsistent card, but powerful when played Round 1 as it allows you to trigger a Quicken reaction at the end of Round 1 and again at the start of Round 2. However, it is often too unreliable as it is not worth playing after Round 1 as well as the deck already having a plethora of round 1 cards to play with your usual extra dice of Yae Miko Elemental Skill, swap, Tighnari Elemental Skill. That being the case, If you were to mainly face decks that focused on survivability which meant that you would need to swap back to Yae Miko to Skill to add more Usages to Sesshou Sakura, Quick Knit would be a consistent card to trigger Sesshou Sakura’s condition of having at least 4 Usages to consume 1 Usage to deal 1 Electro Damage when declaring End of Round.


Guide by Ting with the help of Juslin, choc and KevinZ

Deploys by Netlify